Diabetes Reversal

Diabetes is one of the costly and highly prevalent diseases in India, but unfortunately most of the cases are undiagnosed.

Our Diabetes Reversal Programme

What is Diabetes?

Diabetes is a condition when your blood glucose (blood sugar levels) is too high. This may happen due to 2 reasons either the way how your body process the blood glucose get affected or a condition develops in which pancreas produces little or no insulin.

High Sugar is a presentation of internal imbalance, so in order to control sugar we have to improve internal imbalances. HbAlc is blood High HbALc test which gives you average of 3 months sugar control and grade of internal imbalance.

How Diabetes can affect quality of life?

Out of every 2 DIABETICS there could be 1 HEART PATIENT

Diabetes effects vital organs causing various diseases:

  • Brain and cerebral circulation: Cerebrovascular disease.
  • Eyes: Retinopathy and blindness.
  • Oral health: Severe periodontal disease.
  • Heart and coronary circulation: Heart disease or stroke.
  • Kidney: Nephropathy.
  • Peripheral nervous system: Neuropathy.
  • Blood pressure: Hypertension.
  • Lower Iimbs: Loss of sensitivity.
  • Diabetic foot: Ulceration and amputation.
What are its Symptoms?
  • Fatigue
  • Blurred Vision
  • Weight Loss
  • Disturbed Sleep
  • Frequent Urination
What does Madhavbaug offer for Diabetes?

Madhavbaug’s ApexBeat series of programmes combine international cutting-edge diagnostics, researched diets, skilled physiotherapy and tested lifestyle modifications with scientific Ayurveda. This ensures your diabetes is well controlled and complications like heart disease are delayed or even prevented!

Madhavbaug Treatment Programs

Comprehensive Diabetic Care Program: Advice to diabetic patient to control blood sugar and prevent further complications.

Comprehensive Diabetic Care Program (PRE-FAILURE):Advice to diabetic patient with early sign of heart disease to control blood sugar and reverse heart failure.

Comprehensive Diabetic Care Program (PRE-ISCHAEMIA): Advice to diabetic patient with early sign of lack of blood supply to heart, to control blood sugar and to perfuse the heart muscles.

How can we treat it?

Treatment procedures: We used a specialized treatment procedures which helps patient to achieve a better control on their blood sugar levels.

Centripetal Oleation: Whole Body Massage with medicated oils.

Thermal Vasodilatation: Medicated Steam.

Per Rectal Drug Administration: Medication through the rectal route increases serum insulin levels and reduces insulin resistance.

Therapy oral: It improves insulin production and reduces insulin resistance in body. These herbal medicines do not cause any side effects.

Prameha Diet Kit: A Low carbohydrate , High protein, High Fiber and Good Quality fat diet specially designed for patients with
Diabetes Management.